Wednesday, July 8, 2009

History--from Ancient to Present: Symbols

From the beginning, all things were set about by the Holy One in Heaven Who created all things. The Holy One Who sits on the throne is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and through Him all things have come forth.

Here we now live, 12,ooo years since the initial creation of earth and we are very near the end of the current age we have lived in for the last 2,ooo years. Today, many of the symbols we so commonly see such as the pyramid, the supposed "star" of David, the cross, the serpent biting its own tail, etc., are all signs with very deep-rooted meanings; meanings from ancient secret societies. For we mortals live on the earth in between a most important spiritual war which has been going on for the last 12,000 years between God and the devil.

For we mortals naturally succumb to either one of two possible choices: 1) To Love and Serve God in Truth or 2) Reject God altogether. The world entire had once before openly united with dark spiritual forces disguised as bearers of light. In that age, the eventual destruction of the earth came from God by means of a world-wide catastrophic flood because of human perversion. All humans died except Noah and his family line as they were the only ones left who upheld their worship of the One True God.

Before Noah's birth, the angels who chose not to follow God, instead chose to follow their once angelic leader Semijaza (Mastema in Hebrew) who led all of his Watchers under his control from heaven to earth. The Watchers came to earth to deceive man in order to mock God and His perfect creation. They deceived humankind and told them that indeed they were the gods of the stars who could promise humankind that they too, could be just as gods if only they would follow their instructions. And so, since before the flood, the lust for world domination under one mind, under one Satan was started. It was during this time that the Watchers taught men the cutting of roots (drug-use), sorceries, magic, the wrongful use of music, the wrongful use of sex, the forging of weapons for bloodshed against fellow humans, and the open rebellion against the Holy One in Heaven. The Watchers set up for themselves temples and a great city from which the legend of Atlantis has originated from as a means to mock the temple of God in Heaven. And so, God sent to earth the flood of Noah 1,500 years after Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Truth because of their sin.

Before the flood of Noah however, God sent his Holy angels to bind the Watchers in spiritual captivity. God also caused the Watcher's sons--the Nephilim (the Nephilim were the unholy offspring of the Watchers and the daughters of men who grew to become Giants and were violent--See the Book of Enoch. The offspring of the Watchers were only male and there were no female Nephilim which God did not let the Watchers know before they chose their doomed path of rebellion. The Watchers hoped to start their own race of creation but were stopped since they could not bring forth females from their wives who were the daughters of men.) to suddenly war upon themselves with each giant killing the other on a most bloody and violent scene that the world has not seen since. However, Mastema/Semijaza--the Satan; his work had been done. The majority of mankind had been indeed totally corrupted and they sought only after their own desires, lusts, and showed no regard for life or cleanliness. Their minds were of constant evil. All except Noah and his family whom God sent one of His Holy angels to warn Noah to flee the land so that his family would not be corrupted. Many years later, God had Noah build the Ark in a world which was very different from the world in which we now live. For then, the world was of one continent with the great sea surrounding it. All the earth was of a temperate climate because the ozone layer was 7 times thicker than what it currently is. There were no high mountain ranges, but instead smaller foothills where, pepper, cinnamon and aloe trees grew to great heights and of sweet aromas. Plants, insects, animals, fish and humans all lived longer lives because of their better protection from the sun and because of the greater nutrients in the plants before the flood (See the Book of Enoch).

However, during the flood of Noah, Pangaea was ripped apart by massive earthquakes which erupted all along every fault line in the earth while causing the fountains of the deep to rise from beneath the earth's ground. While this occurred, an ice comet approached earth and exploded because of its close proximity to the earth, thus knocking earth's once perfect lateral rotation, to a 23 degree tilt. From the massive comet's explosion, the earth's magnetic field immediately pulled in the ice to both poles crushing any life that was there to an immediate death. And so this is why we now have our arctic poles. But God protected Noah and his family in the Ark.

After the waters receded, the Ark came to set upon Mount Ararat which is in Armenia. From there, Noah's son's families divided their sections of the then known earth for them to eventually re-populate. From there over the course of the next 8,000 years, the world would eventually come to see the eventual rising and falling of the Sumerians, Egyptians, Chaldaeans, Minoans, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, etc.

Every one of the above listed empires tried to conquer the whole world by force. For a while they thought they could retain their gains, but in the end would always fall due to their prideful kings not seeing the One True God of Heaven nor His Ways of Life. Instead, each king looked upon themselves just as Mastema/Semijaza--the Satan; once did when he was known as Lucifer.

During the time of the Romans in Israel, the Messiah was born in Bethlehem. Jeshua of Nazareth came at a time when both Israel and the Gentiles would reject and kill Him. This came about because God demands Justice. And because God Loves His creation--a creation which rebelled in sin--mankind must pay a price in order to reattain unity with the Holy One in Heaven. Because their was no perfect human without sin, God Himself became a man to be sacrificed in mankind's place. And so we are forever in debt to Jesus as through Him, we shall someday live with God in perfect splendor.

As for the men who have since the time of the first coming of the Messiah; they have chosen to be led astray via their pride and confidence in the dark spirit of Satan who deceives humankind in hopes to see their complete destruction. And so, Satan has chosen to use mortals throughout each generation to the present date, all the while using human ingenuity to bring about a one world unification to rebel against the Holy One in Heaven.

As Christianity spread throughout the Mediterranean, Satan began to try and pervert the story of Christ through the Gnostics and Valentinaean who would eventually pervert Christ's teachings with paganism. Thus, the birth of the Roman Catholic Church which soon became one of the most corrupt organizations throughout all of medieval Europe. Satan used the Roman Church on one side, while getting secret groups to unite together in secret to rebel against the Roman Church who they (wrongfully) believed to be "true Christianity." As a result, the first organized secret societies were formed in Europe and have trickled down to the present day hidden behind major banking institutions and corporations and has become the shadow governments behind all the rulers of the Western world.

However, because of the influence of the Holy Spirit in the world; Mastema--the Satan, has had to continue to work his works in the shadows and in the secrets of evil ruler's hearts. Satan has used men of great talents, skills and organizations to bring forth his deception while promising each mortal power, wealth and influence. Satan has come to these men as a "bearer of light," and as a "path of truth." For the secret societies of medieval Europe adopted the Gnostic view that the Roman Church was hiding the fact that Lucifer was actually the "true son of god." In addition, the Knights Templars during the crusades adopted the views of the Babylonian Talmud and the study of Kabalistic "magic" and symbols. Later, the King of France and his lust for the Templar's money (as they had become wealthy bankers during the Crusades) had the Templars dissolved and had as many of them burnt at the stake where ever and whenever he could find them. However, from that point on, the Templars hid and blended into European society while continuing to practice their secret societies.

The mortal organizations of Satan has been using and continues to use: The Illuminati which encompasses the Masonic Order, The Knights Templars, and many other front organizations/corporations/banks to bring about his world domination just as he had attempted before the flood of Noah.

Symbols from the Book of Revelation can help us to understand some of what Satan is doing with his use of the secret societies and their influence in world affairs. Here is what the symbols of Revelation mean:

1) The 7 churches = each church age from the time of Christ to the present day
2) The dragon of 7 heads and 10 horns = Satan/Mastema
3) The leopard of 7 heads and 10 horns = The Illuminati/the mortal force of Satan/the one world government/one-world economic system

4) The goat/the 2nd beast = the global media/media technology
5) Mystery Babylon the Mother of all Harlots = The United States of America
6) Apollyon the Watcher from the Abyss caused by the comet from which locusts torment mankind = One of the Watchers who was bound before Noah's flood

7) The two witnesses = Enoch and Elijah because they had both witnessed and prophesied in truth to the evil men of earth before and after the flood of Noah

8) The Man of Lawlessness = The world dictator/the false leader of "peace and light" whose spirit is possessed by that of Satan himself

9) The mark of the beast = the bio-chip embedded into the very flesh of mankind as a symbol/branding that these humans physically and spiritually belong to Satan

10) 666 = From humankind, by humankind, for humankind--i.e. the complete rejection of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the most Holy Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth.

The United States could not have been formed into a thriving nation without the help of the Masonic Order--an order deeply rooted in the Babylonian Talmud from there which we have the occultic Kabalah. Albert Pike who was a General for the Confederacy during the Civil War, and then later, the leader of the KKK, was a self-professed Luciferian who called upon him as his spirit guide. Albert Pike wrote in his book in 1871, the Illuminati's plan to bring about to the world, the Holy Masonic Empire by way of 3 world wars. Albert Pike was a 33rd degree Mason who delved in the magic practises of the Kabalah and thoroughly believed that he was the chosen Mason to lead the organization to Lucifer's goals to "bring about equilibrium" to the earth and mankind.

Kabalists claim that they are Jews, but they are not. And so prophecy here has already been fulfilled "And they shall call themselves Jews but are not." The Masons refer to the Grand Temple which is a supposed model after Solomon's Temple, once again to try and associate their beliefs with the Hebrews, but once again, they are not Hebrews. They are in all actuality in "the synagogue of Satan." Once again, prophecy is being fulfilled.

Every U.S. President with the exception of Lincoln and Kennedy were all 32nd degree Masons. The entire city layout of Washington, D.C. is filled with Masonic/Illuminati symbols from the owl at the U.S. Capitol building, to the pentagram surrounding the White House, to the Obelisk of the "Washington Monument," to the Pentagon Building. All of these symbols are based from the Babylonian Talmud and Kabalah which has been the very foundation for the U.S.' direction with it's Federal Reserve Banking system, as well as foreign policy decisions.

The Statue of Liberty herself was a gift from the Masonic temples from France, Russia and temples from other European countries. Her torch of light, is to show the pathway to "illumination" and her very pose is modeled after the ancient goddess Ishtar of Babylon.

Over the course of the last 200 years, the U.S. has been slowly transitioning herself as being "Lady Liberty" to becoming Mystery Babylon, who is currently riding the Beast of 7 heads and 10 horns (the Illuminati). However, the Illuminati is almost done using her and will soon make her desolate and kill her with fire in a single hour. And all of the merchants of the world will weep and lament for her as she was the one who made them rich.

Out of her destruction, the Beast of 7 heads and 10 horns no longer has Mystery Babylon riding upon its back guiding the world's direction. The Beast itself will then make it's own direction and the world will follow because of their deep loss of the U.S. and the global economic depression that they will have been living in.

The world will celebrate and marvel at the New World Order (the Beast) because of the influence of the second beast (the media/media technology). Eventually, to anyone who shows the new world system rebellion, they will be made desolate or killed. For those who refuse the mark which will track their every move and purchase in the name of "security/safety" they will eventually be beheaded.

Then the judgements from the Holy One of Heaven will come down upon the earth and He will use the earth itself to punish humankind to show His attempt to wake them out of their blindly following Satan. But the world will have by then, made up their minds to rebel against Christ and True Life.

All of these things must and will soon take place, but only after Christ's physical taking/abducting of His elect from the face of the earth. Like a thief in the night, the world will be frightened at their friends' and families' disappearances, and so Satan and the Illuminati will use this as an excuse to have every remaining person bio-chipped so that 24/7 tracking for "security/safety" can be monitored. For a human-being to not have the mark of the beast, they will be ostracized, mocked, and eventually killed.

All of this will happen to the world because the world has rejected God and Truth and wishes to try and live life on their own terms--which eventually leads to eternal destruction.

The Man of Lawlessness will eventually gather all the nations together in a military presence as a symbol of their rebellion against the Holy One in Heaven, and Jesus in His Heavenly Glory will say, "It has been done," and will then rise from His Throne and come down upon a white horse with the sword of Truth with ten-thousand, thousands of his saints to place the man of lawlessness and the beast into the eternal lake of fire. The earth's armies will be smited by a single breath from Jesus' nostril and the remaining of Israel will be saved from destruction and will worship Jesus Christ, all of humankind's One True Messiah, Who Was, and Is, and Is To Come.

Whom do you serve? Yourself? If so, then you unkowingly serve Satan and are leading yourself to eternal and perfect torture. If you only believe in the Messiah Jesus Christ and repent of your corruption, you will live forever in perfect beauty as God intends us to live in with Him.

Choose you this day whom you will serve.

Peace, blessings of strength to endure the vices of this world, Truth and Jesus' Love be with you.